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FCC Drops Code

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by NA2P, Dec 16, 2006.

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  1. KO4RB

    KO4RB Ham Member QRZ Page

    This has been an interesting "first read" for me on this forum.  I used QRZ to study for my Tech exam and had started using it and another site to study code and questions for the General.  I decided to join this forum thinking I would get some good input.  Guess we'll see.
  2. KI4NNL

    KI4NNL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hey welcome!
    I got my tech earlier this year, and I did the same thing in finding this forum.  
    Hams seem to be an interesting group of people, and its kinda fun watching the interaction, let alone jumping in the midst of the various flame wars, but this is just one face. Just remember, hams are often, not always, but often, well....   some are lacking a bit in social skills lets just say. Combine that with either youthful inexperience, or with years of self inflated bloviating (see I am covering both sides here  [​IMG]  ) you end up with some interesting exchanges.  The knowledge you can access here though makes it worth it.  There is probably nothing you can ask that you won't get a good set of answers to, along with a debate over which is right and why, followed by rebuttals and insults over who is right and why the other guys opinion is garbage  [​IMG] , but if you keep that in mind, it makes for a fun place.
  3. W4HYI

    W4HYI Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Fall of the Morse Code God! With a simple stroke of the pen the FCC dropped the requirement.
    Now let’s see how many turn in their tickets or sell their equipment on eBay as promised.                                                                                    
     No need to sell it it won't be wroth any thing  they should just throw it away or give to me   alot of these guy are just belly achers [​IMG]
  4. N0KLU

    N0KLU Ham Member QRZ Page

    You and I know that, I was just calling their "bluff". In several threads before they swore they would tear up their tickets and send them back to the FCC and sell all their equipment on eBay! But it was all "talk" and no action! a lot of "foaming at the mouth" and name calling and bad mouthing NCT's but now they will have to live with their words.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  5. KN4DS

    KN4DS Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'd love to hear from some who send in their tickets with CANCEL written in big red letters across the face...

    CW is a mode... just like phone, but I don't have to prove I can speak to get a license.

    However, all these code folks have made me decide to just wait 'til I can pass a Morse code test to upgrade...

    The problem is going to be finding a VE team who'll administer the test.
  6. N4EDT

    N4EDT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I finished my code and got my General October of 2006. Some oberservations

    1. If you want to learn code there is little available for those who have difficulty in learning by themselves.

    2. The code test only requires receiving at 5 words per minute and does nothing to prepare you to send on the air.

    3. One of the most difficult contacts I ever made was the first CW QSO.

    4. Most who wanted to retain the CW requirement don't use code because they have lost their skills.

    5. Many who have passed their General requirements have never made a CW contact.

    6. The policies of the past and the conduct of Amateur Radio operators at General and above has not encouraged new HAMs to learn or use CW.

    In my opinion, the best thing that will ever happen to encourage the use of CW has been dropping it as a requirement for General and above. CW will now be viewed in the positive light of being an interesting and effective communications mode.

    KI4GKS [​IMG]
  7. KI4RNB

    KI4RNB Banned QRZ Page

    what date will code be droped
  8. N0KLU

    N0KLU Ham Member QRZ Page

    30 days after it is posted in the Federal Register. We are still awaiting that posting.
  9. W5IEI

    W5IEI Guest

    Still waiting!!!!
  10. W7ACT

    W7ACT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes Sir!

    You've got that right. I'm ready to go just waiting for the posting and the Order to go into effect as I got the General Written Exam out of the way yesterday. I've got my Certificate of Completion in hand ready to file when the new privileges go into effect!

    This is the second time I've passed the written exam.....

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  11. KC7NIL

    KC7NIL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Me? I'm waiting until it is offically dropped before I upgrade. I've had my Tech license for over 10 years with never a desire to learn morse. I have no problem with CW, but if I ever had learned it to get my General, I would have promptly forgotten it and thrown it in the bit bucket. I find APRS and IRLP very interesting for now. [​IMG]
  12. KB2VXA

    KB2VXA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi again,

    After reading the posts about the elitist attitude being discouraging I must relate a rather surprising (to me) short story. All references that may reveal identity are avoided to preserve our friendship.

    I have a CBer become ham friend who was one to encourage me to become a ham and elmered me in proper operating procedures. Recently this person passed the 5WPM test and upgraded to General thanks in part to my encouragement. Shortly thereafter this person became a VE, congratulations are in order, one more gateway has been added.

    All of a sudden true colors were revealed, I'm now faced with that all too familiar attitude one may expect from an old fart who came up through the ranks from spark. Roots forgotten, a monster was created with a telegraph key used as a weapon.

    Even I who have known this person from CB days and developed a thick skin from abrasion feel something inside that's hard to describe. I can imagine how a newbie or non ham considering joining our ranks would feel when confronted by a screaming banshee wielding a key like a sword and spewing forth a torrent of dits and dahs with murderous intent.

    Those artistically inclined may draw the appropriate cartoon, those who are not may draw the appropriate conclusion. The code requirement may have been dropped but CW will never die, unfortunately neither will the banshee (plural).

    One final thought, I'm wondering how this one expects to advance in CW proficiency or even retain any with none other than a 2M FM mobile. Bit of a paradox now isn't it? I believe you know the dual meaning of "rusty" and how it applies to a flaming key-sword that proceedeth from the mouth so I'm not overly concerned, I have my own reasons for upgrading to General despite the name this one called me for "getting something for nothing".

    On to better things I go with the backing of coded hams, some CW only ops too so the opinion of a minority of one is of no consequence. We'll stay friends despite our differences as we always have.
  13. KE7IMB

    KE7IMB Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is to go into effect 30 days after it is published in the federal register correct? it still has not been published. and what if it never gets published? just some questions I have.
  14. AE6IP

    AE6IP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Correct. It doesn't go into effect.

    The latter is not likely to happen. There are rules the FCC has to follow and one of them is that once they've approved an R&O it has to be published.

    Patience. It'll get published.
  15. KE7IMB

    KE7IMB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Would it not be a big laugh if it did not get published.
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