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Easy Raspberry Pi Build

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KM4ACK, Jan 17, 2020.

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  1. KM4ACK

    KM4ACK Ham Member QRZ Page

  2. K5ATA

    K5ATA Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Very cool... thanks for sharing this.
    KM4ACK likes this.
  3. KD4MOJ

    KD4MOJ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Good video Jason. Saw it first thing this am.

    KM4ACK likes this.
  4. AK7AN

    AK7AN Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Which Pi are you using for this application? Is there an way to make this work with a Flex 1500?
  5. KM4ACK

    KM4ACK Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is built on the pi 4 but will also run on the pi 3 so long as it is running buster. The basics will work with any radio that you can connect to the pi through an audio interface. I'm not sure however about rig control from the pi to the Flex 1500. 73, de KM4ACK
  6. K3FHP

    K3FHP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Please, Where are the links you said would be in the comments. TNX
  7. KM4ACK

    KM4ACK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Below the video in the description. You may need to click the "show more button"
    Screen Shot 2020-01-19 at 8.06.53 AM.png
  8. AD4ZU

    AD4ZU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good job!
    KM4ACK likes this.
  9. K4WLO

    K4WLO Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Very nice work Jason.

    Thanks for this topic!

    Larry, K4WLO
    KM4ACK likes this.
  10. WW3JR

    WW3JR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I believe the Flex 1500 has the same command set as the Kenwood TS2000, at least worth a try.

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