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Discussion in 'Hamfest and Convention Calendar' started by KK4NSF, Sep 5, 2024.

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  1. KK4NSF

    KK4NSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    K4JNQ, K2HAT and N3AWS like this.
  2. KK4NSF

    KK4NSF Ham Member QRZ Page


    Planning for this year's DSARC Hamfest is coming together GREAT!

    Our YL group is preparing a fantastic food service, with genuine Lousiana Gumbo... prepared by a real New Orleans Chef! PLUS the number of door prizes and give-aways keeps growing. It is going to be our best hamfest ever!

    We're going to have a QLF (Q Left Foot) CW contest. A replica Spark-Gap Transmitter with matching Crystal Set will be on display, and giving demonstrations! We'll have the DSARC Em-Comm Trailer on display, and tables set up for ARES, Skywarn, and ARRL! AND once again our Master Of Ceremonies will be "Velvet-Voice" Roy Davis.... and Talk-Ins by Wild-Man Tim! Plus a lot more!

    Based on the number of e-mails, messages and responses we've recieved, we are expecting a large turn-out. We still have tables available, so if you want to sell your old gear, show off hand-work, or promote your radio group, this is your opportunity! To make sure you get the best tables, you might want to book your as soon as possible! (call Don Leeth at the number listed above to reserve your tables )
  3. KK4NSF

    KK4NSF Ham Member QRZ Page


    If you plan on getting a table or two for this year's DSARC Hamfest, now is the time!
    Thanks to our new larger venue at the Fairgrounds, we still have lots of room for you and your radio gear.... but sales are going briskly! I'd hate for anyone to miss out on this chance to sell your stuff, display your work, or promote your radio specialty. SO.... reserve your tables today! (call Don Leeth at the number listed above to reserve your tables )

    We are expecting a very large turn-out this year....It is going to be a GREAT EVENT!
  4. WB2WIK

    WB2WIK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    A hamfest that is scheduled to last five hours?
  5. KK4NSF

    KK4NSF Ham Member QRZ Page

    that's the official time..... but if there is still a crowd, we'll extend the hours to accomodate them.

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