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Dayton- 35,877

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by W8AAZ, May 25, 2024.

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  1. W8AAZ

    W8AAZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    W4NNF and KA0HCP like this.
  2. W9WQA/SK2024

    W9WQA/SK2024 Ham Member QRZ Page

    at 10 $...thats 350,000 bucks.
    where does it go..?
  3. W8AAZ

    W8AAZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    10$? where did you get that. 22 advance 26 at show plus a princely sum for a flea market spot. Plus presumably cost to vendors. Apparently they have to pay the venue something? Plus insurance, and a myriad of other outlay. Plenty goes to running the large club station complex. And whatever regular costs the club has. The membership of DARA is 10$ a year, if that is what you think of. That is pretty low due to the large number of members and the Hamvention revenue influx.
    K0UO likes this.
  4. W9WQA/SK2024

    W9WQA/SK2024 Ham Member QRZ Page

    where does it go..? at 10 $.
  5. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Cool Beans.
  6. N3RYB

    N3RYB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Tickets are $31 at the door That's more like $1.1 million. It's not exactly a small event to run. Who knows how much they spend in fees for the fairground, portable toilets, security, etc etc. I hope they break even at least :)
    KD8OCT, WN1MB and K0UO like this.
  7. KA0HCP

    KA0HCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    So much for the naysayers who depend on 'eyeball calibration" for estimating attendance! BTW, I had a great time.

    The 2024 Hamvention saw record numbers of attendees, according to a release from Hamvention General Chairman Jim Storms.

    Storms said that this year had an official attendance of 35,877 people. This broke the record set last year of 33,861 amateur radio enthusiasts, which itself broke earlier records.
    N1VAU, WN1MB, N3RYB and 2 others like this.
  8. WN1MB

    WN1MB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Attendance number confirmed on the DARA website by Hamvention General Chairman Jim Storms, AB8YK.
    Sheesh! Ever hear of rent? Security? Shuttle buses? Insurance? Clean up costs?

    "Dayton" is run by DARA. From their website,

    "DARA is the sponsor of the Dayton Hamvention® and earns its operating revenue from this event. The funds are used for scholarships, education, disasters and public service events, the 10 monthly editions of the award winning “RF Carrier” newsletter, upkeep of the various repeaters and membership activities."

    Happy now? Yeah...I didn't think so.

    AC8MA, W4NNF and N3RYB like this.

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