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Cuban Government Jamming 40 meter US HAM BAND

Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by K4KKC, Jul 14, 2021.

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  1. KK9W

    KK9W Ham Member QRZ Page

    Can someone get a message into Cuba and request for them to QSY to 7.074 MHz? Those number stations are nothing but spies passing secret messages. ;)
    K8MH, AI5DD, N4FZ and 5 others like this.
  2. KL7KN

    KL7KN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I can;t hear the Cuban jamming because of the CHICON jamming (Firedrake)

    K4ABX and KO4ESA like this.
  3. K5FLY

    K5FLY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I’ll swim down and take care of this once Shark Week is over.
    TIERONE, HS0ZPC, AC0OB and 3 others like this.
  4. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    you have it backwards.

    let's move the FT8 up to 7110 and jam the jammers!
    KN6FWT, K0UO, KO4ESA and 1 other person like this.
  5. K0LWC

    K0LWC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    KD2GWD, KO4ESA, KC7ZXY and 4 others like this.
  6. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Old Russian transmitters with Chinese maintenance.
    KO4ESA likes this.
  7. W7HU

    W7HU Ham Member QRZ Page

    wow brother I have no word to say thank you for taking your time to explain this so well God bless you .
    KG5RKP, KC1OCA, KO4ESA and 5 others like this.
  8. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    It's also now happening on some 4 and 8 MHz Maritime Mobile Service Frequencies. That's against all International practice for safety at sea.
    KC1OCA, KO4ESA, K4ABX and 1 other person like this.
  9. W2VW

    W2VW Ham Member QRZ Page

    What's the extra M Master Jeff?
    KO4ESA likes this.
  10. KB6DAY

    KB6DAY XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    N4CVX and KO4ESA like this.
  11. N0TZU

    N0TZU Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    What frequencies?
    KO4ESA and W4DRO like this.
  12. K0LWC

    K0LWC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm picking up the jamming here in Minnesota S5-S8 on 7120khz and other frequencies across the bottom of 40M, spaced at 10 khz. I've recorded them in .wav format so I can archive for future publication.

    KD2GWD, KO4ESA, KC7ZXY and 4 others like this.
  13. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Most of the frequencies that are commonly used South of the Keys in the Caribbean. It's not continuous it's on and off on some of those frequencies.
    But to start/ even the
    Coast Guard Global Maritime Distress and Safety System distress channel (8S) 8.291mhz USB/ the Coconut Telegraph Net on 4060/ 8170 mhz USB/ KPK on 8104 and Dozens of others on and off
    N5PZJ, KO4ESA, W4DRO and 2 others like this.
  14. WN1MB

    WN1MB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Maldito, gringo. ;)

    And now it appears we're in for a deluge of YouTube videos about this "Cuban jamming." Just what the (ham) world needs ...
    KK9W, KO4ESA, W2VW and 3 others like this.
  15. KN4MKB

    KN4MKB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well bringing awareness to an issue literally affecting ham radio bands.
    Yes, I believe ham radio may benefit from this.
    I will be posting a video soon, but it won't have advertisements, and I won't be asking for the usual garbage likes and subscribers and click bait title and thumbnail.
    I'm also not going to outright claim this is the Cuban government either, despite how that may help the video.
    Despite what some may think here, we're not all in it for views and clout. Some of us just want to help others.
    I'm purely making it to bring attention to this thread, and the interference on the 40m band. That way more operators can listen, and report their findings here, which can be used as collective evidence to get to the truth, and provide other information some may need to do something about it.
    KD2GWD, KO4ESA, KC7ZXY and 4 others like this.
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