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Commemorating the 79th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by YC0SJA, Jul 12, 2024.

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  1. YC0SJA

    YC0SJA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you for your attention and hope to see you in the air.
  2. YC0SJA

    YC0SJA Ham Member QRZ Page

    thank you OM and hope to see you in the air
    VK5OHR likes this.
  3. YC0SJA

    YC0SJA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Roger that and hope to see you in the air, de 7E79RI.
  4. YC0SJA

    YC0SJA Ham Member QRZ Page


    as soon as possible my friend and thank you for your attention, de 7E79RI
  5. KF5UMC

    KF5UMC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Happy Independence Day Indonesia, I look forward to adding our QSO contact to my logbook! Please confirm QSO's using QRZ.COM too...
    YC0SJA likes this.
  6. YD1BPJ

    YD1BPJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    hope i have chance to joined. goodluck 73 and MERDEKA !!!
    YC0SJA likes this.
  7. YC0SJA

    YC0SJA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you and hope to see you in the air. QSL confirmation, via QRZ, eQSL and LoTW.
  8. YC0SJA

    YC0SJA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you and hope to see you in the air. QSL confirmation, via QRZ, eQSL and LoTW.
  9. YD9IHG

    YD9IHG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good luck
    YD1RGP likes this.
  10. YD9IHG

    YD9IHG Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good luck, Orari Keren, Bersatu, Berkarya, Mendunia... 73 de YD9IHG
  11. YF7RDM

    YF7RDM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wohooo... that sounds fun. It would be fantastic if the youngsters from your local could join in the activity.
    Happy 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Merdeka!
    YD1RGP and JK1WPS like this.
  12. N6RQU

    N6RQU Ham Member QRZ Page

    [WU4I=This is Andrew KJ7POO N6RQU Randy 73"YC0SJA, post: 6917580, member: 874548"]roger that, and hopefully meet on the air with all the existing bands[/QUO
  13. KB9RDS

    KB9RDS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hope you have a Great Independence Day. I saw you are going to be on 6 bands, What modes are planed (cw,phone, ft8, ft4 etc.) Just asking.
  14. YG1AWI

    YG1AWI Ham Member QRZ Page

    It is a great way for commemorating Indonesian Independence Day with fun, hobbies also families and lots of friends.
    Cheers and break a leg.

  15. VK2MW

    VK2MW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Will you sending QSL Cards for your contacts?

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