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Colorado 14er Radio Event

Discussion in 'Hamfest and Convention Calendar' started by N0TZL, Aug 22, 2002.

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  1. N0TZL

    N0TZL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Amateur Radio Fun in the Colorado Mountains
    Sunday, August 25, 2002

    Amateur Radio operators from around Colorado will be climbing many
    of Colorado's 14,000-foot mountains to set up amateur radio
    stations in an effort to communicate with other radio amateurs
    across the state and around the world.

    Join in on the fun Sunday, August 25th and see how many
    of the mountaintop stations you can contact. The prime
    operating hours are from approximately 9 AM to noon local
    time (1500 to 1800 UTC), but activity may occur at other times
    during the day. Most mountaintop stations will be running low
    power handheld radios. Stations running high power need to keep
    in mind that they can interfere with stations they cannot hear.
    Radio operators with 14er hiking experience who wish to participate
    should indicate their intent at,
    send an e-mail to or
    contact Bob KØNR, (719) 488-0859.

    To subscribe to the event mailing list, visit the yahoo groups site.

    The Colorado Connection Repeater System will be used to share
    coordination information during the event. Please share the
    system with other users and do not use it to work the mountaintop
    stations. The intent of this event is to use simplex only.

    Frequencies used during the event
    The 2M FM band plan uses a "primary frequency and QSY up"
    approach. Frequencies are no longer assigned by mountain range.

    The primary 2M FM frequency is 147.42 MHz. At the beginning of
    the event, operators should try calling on 147.42
    MHz. As activity increases on that frequency, operators
    should move up the frequency using the standard channel
    spacing used in Colorado (15 kHz). The next standard simplex
    frequency up from 147.42 MHz is 147.435 MHz, followed by 147.45,
    147.465, 147.480, 147.495, 147.51, 147.525, 147.54, 147.555,
    147.57 MHz. As activity increases, operators should spread out
    on the band. As activity decreases, operators should move back
    closer to the primary simplex frequency.

    Frequency (MHz) Comments
    147.42 Primary 2M FM Frequency, then up in 15 kHz steps
    223.5 Primary 222 MHz FM frequency
    446.000 Primary 70 cm FM frequency
    446.025 Alternate 70 cm FM frequency
    52.525 Primary 6M FM frequency
    1294.5 Primary 1.2 GHz FM frequency
    144.200 2M SSB calling frequency
    50.125 6M SSB calling frequency
    14.060 20M CW Frequency
    21.060 15M CW Frequency
    28.060 10M CW Frequency
    14.260 20M SSB Frequency
    21.330 15M SSB Frequency
    28.350 10M SSB Frequency

    Other Bands/Modes
    Standard calling frequencies and/or band plans apply.
    Warning: Climbing mountains is inherently a dangerous activity.
    Do not attempt this without proper training, equipment and preparation.
    For Colorado Connection Repeater frequencies see

    Sponsored by The Colorado 14er Event Task Force
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