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Brexit and what it means to the UK radio Amateur

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by GW0HUS, Apr 17, 2017.

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  1. GW0HUS

    GW0HUS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good morning all,
    Just sitting here thinking over my first cup of black coffee (a habit born out of liveing and working in Germany before the E E C come into being . refuse to call it E U because that was not we sighned up for )
    I digress back to the original subject : Brexit and what it means to the UK radio Amateur
    once UK leaves the E U does this mean that the UK will once again be considered a DX entity ..????

    Will all UK amateur radio stations be able to work the Pompous stations saying :
    D X ONLY OUTSIDE EUROPE . we will be so there fore we count as DX or am I missing something

    Graham Gw0hus (always DX to somebody )
    W4AAX likes this.
  2. HB9FUH

    HB9FUH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Europe != European Union (or EEC). The British Isles iare and always will be a part of Europe (just as Switzerland and Norway are).
    2E0CIT, MI0GTA, ZL1UZM and 3 others like this.
  3. WF9Q

    WF9Q Ham Member QRZ Page

    No, just a country that finally grew "balls"..
    K8NY, K9BJA, DM2TT and 16 others like this.
  4. HB9FUH

    HB9FUH Ham Member QRZ Page

    Put it another way: will the England team still play in the European Championship?
  5. KM1H

    KM1H Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just another failure at a united Europe; Napoleon and Hitler tried and failed also and so will anyone else.
    N7BDY, W0AQ, AF7XT and 3 others like this.
  6. GW0HUS

    GW0HUS Ham Member QRZ Page

    NEVER .... we are an Island race , one large monkey wrench in the CHANNEL TUNNEL and voila .. he he he ...
    2E0WYD, M0DPX and W4AAX like this.
  7. GW0HUS

    GW0HUS Ham Member QRZ Page

    they can play ....BUT THEY NEVER WIN ... HE HE HE ..!
    2E0FMI and 2M0LDT like this.
  8. WD8ED

    WD8ED Ham Member QRZ Page

    You'll always be DX to us Yanks! ;-)

    KI4ZUQ, KG5ILR, G3ZPF and 5 others like this.
  9. WD8ED

    WD8ED Ham Member QRZ Page

    Maybe someday soon we can all respect France!

    K3XR likes this.
  10. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    The United States exists because of France. They financed the revolution. and the gift of the Louisiana purchase.
    K8NY, W2BDN, AG5DB and 4 others like this.
  11. AA3RE

    AA3RE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Or one well placed spanner ; )
  12. WD8ED

    WD8ED Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm quite well educated in history. I'm also aware of France's history since then as well. Maybe you stopped going to class after the Louisiana Purchase.

    Thanks for the partial history lesson!


    G4AGE/SK2024, PD0JBV and K3XR like this.
  13. KM1H

    KM1H Ham Member QRZ Page

    Napoleon was the last good thing to happen to France and Europe
    K3XR likes this.
  14. WB4WHJ

    WB4WHJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    You are DX for me. :)
    I have never worked a UK station in 46 years of being a Ham, unless you can count Ireland. :) I have never been a DX chaser. I am a rag chewer. I worked Ireland on 10 meters mobile @ 10 watts PEP in the 1990's. I still get a thrill thinking about it.

    I had a great contact which last 20 or so minutes. The good old days when the band conditions were good & I still had hair. :)
    Curmudgeon & old crow
    N2AMM and G3ZPF like this.
  15. F4HPX

    F4HPX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    History made nations and many of them had good time in the past, at the present or may have in the future.
    And whatever happens I will always enjoy DX-ing with all of them.
    ...speaking DX-ing either propagation is going really bad or my antennas getting rusted.

    73 Thomas
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