Look up call sign k4eaw and the address in the bio is shown as Durham, NC, select Detail, and the address is shown as Pollocksville, NC. What's up with that?
The map looks to be based on the grid square, which is incorrect based on this address. I tested a bit, and if you enter exact coordinates, you can have this pinpointed anywhere. If you simply enter a grid square, it centers on that square. You cared enough to reply.
His bio address will change automatically when he applies for a change of address. That's done by the FCC. He needs to take care of his own personal QRZ data beyond that. And don't forget Settings>Logbook Properties! NB - my grandmother's family is from Pollocksville in Jones County
My DB entry is set up that way. Mailing address is not the QTH; Often, not operating from the QTH. Not a big deal.
@KP4SX is correct. The geocoded process only occurs when a callsign is first received from the FCC. After that it's up to the user to keep that information up to date. Further, some users don't want the map pointing to their front door, so the settings are allowed to be ambiguous if desired to prevent this. Any user changes would be marked as user provided, so that it still shows geocoded means that the user never updated it.
LOL. Could you imagine the server load... Would be kind of a cool feature though. POTA guys would love it!