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Belton this weekend? March 14, 2020

Discussion in 'Hamfest and Convention Calendar' started by KJ5T, Mar 9, 2020.

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  1. KJ5T

    KJ5T Ham Member QRZ Page

    Detailed information at the link above, didn't see a thread about it. I will be attending my fist HamExpo in several years, I am hoping that the fears of COVID-19 does not prevent it from being the same great hamfest that it has been in past years. If there are any Texas QRZ'ers who are going to be there let me know and we can can have an "eyeball QSL" (do people still say that?).
    WW2PT and K0UO like this.
  2. AG5CK

    AG5CK Ham Member QRZ Page

    I plan on being there. Don't forget your mask and hand sanitizer. :)
  3. K1LKP

    K1LKP Ham Member QRZ Page

  4. KJ5T

    KJ5T Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am more worried about the fact that storms are in the forecast for Saturday in Belton than the Coronavirus. Hopefully it holds long enough for some tailgating. Will be curious to see what vendors will be there, I know WB0W is usually there.
    K0UO likes this.
  5. WC5P

    WC5P Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yep, same here. Watching the WX forecast, but not looking too good at the moment. Still 4 days out, so things could still change (I hope).

    Springtime in Texas .....
  6. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Last spring we all got very wet there!
  7. WC5P

    WC5P Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Yep, springtime in Texas .....

    If it was just light rain in the forecast, I would probably go, but the current forecast is for storms on Saturday. By Thursday we should have a better idea about what time of day unfavorable WX will be in the area. Hopefully any storms will hold off until Saturday evening.
    K0UO likes this.
  8. N5JLD

    N5JLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm much more concerned with catching, Osteoarthritis, Gout, Any number of Wheezing issues, Rickets, Scurvy and a whole host of other Skin problems from a Hamfest crowd.
    K0UO likes this.
  9. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Especially at Belton with the dog or Horse Show in the same building!!!
    You might add fleas and ticks to that list too!!!!
  10. KG5RZ

    KG5RZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    And the following weekend is the Williamson county swap meet in Georgetown.
  11. WW2PT

    WW2PT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good advice for any hamfest, pandemic or not.
    N5JLD likes this.
  12. KD8DEY

    KD8DEY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hmmm, Same day as the Virginia City Rocky Mountain Oyster Fry in Nevada.
    Coincidence ??!!
  13. KB0MLR

    KB0MLR Ham Member QRZ Page

    The gout and enlarged prostates are not contagious.
    At least I don't think so...
    AG5CK likes this.
  14. WC5P

    WC5P Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well, here we are, two days out. If the local DFW TV weather forecasts are to believed, the Saturday rain will not hit until about noon.

    I have not seen any news about cancellation yet, but I wonder how many folks will avoid attending due to the threat of Chinese cooties.

    I guess I will just play it by ear and decide tomorrow night.
  15. KJ5T

    KJ5T Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'll be there but but fist bumps only this time around.

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