www.arrl.org/files/file/ODV/Board%20Meeting%20Jan%202020/Board%20Minutes%20Jan%202020.pdf A very short BoD meeting for Michel: 40 minutes and adios, pork roast.
Just finished a quick read through of the minutes. Some very interesting bits and pieces in there which address various concerns expressed here on the Zed Forums. Well worth checking out. I plan on a more meticulous, deliberate read tonight or tomorrow. One thing that bothers me, though. I got on the League web site and under "News" saw this: "ARRL Board of Directors Re-Elects President Rick Roderick, K5UR" And in reading that news posting, I found the link for the BoD meeting minutes. Which leads me to question the news story headline. Instead of "January 2020 Board Meeting minutes" or something similar, they chose what they did. Why? Obfuscation?
There's also some stuff noticably missing: any new information about antenna legislation, other than mention in passing of a committee report, which is not public apparently; and anything about all the outstanding amendments to the Articles of Incorporation (including adding the information name "national association for amateur radio" to the Articles) which I thought the October Executive Committee meeting minutes said would be taken up at this meeting.
The ARRL is now authorized to trade stocks including the dangerous selling short, where losses are unlimited.
I'm on several ARRL mailing lists and have been for quite some time. The minutes of the January BoD meeting were made available on line yesterday, but I still haven't received the usual mailing announcing its availability. Curious. I'll have to see how long this process takes this time, if it happens at all. @K1OIK: Yes, I saw that, Burt. My knee jerk reaction was "Uh oh...", however I have yet to do my slow, deliberate reread of the Minutes. I'm not well enough educated in investing, so have my IRA handled by a professional - though I do know enough to steer clear of high risk stuff at this point in my life.
If you invest in an index fund like VTI (Vanguard) you will beat 80% of managed funds. Of the professionals were so smart what are they doing "advising" instead of investing? Look at almost any stock and the range of advice is under perform to strong buy. Do you think in sports predictions the odds of a super bowl win for Kansas City to win varied from 0% to 99%? Plus the financial advisor takes a minimum of 1% of your account, like a lawyer whether you win or lose, they win. I did go to an advisor 2 years ago and after he looked at my account he said you are doing better than I.
Horrible organization. Useless. Cheap as well. Is the ARRL really needed in this day and age? I'd assert, no.