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AU2WBRC, Sagar Island / AS-153

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by EA1CS, Jan 2, 2025.

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  1. EA1CS

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  2. EA1CS

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  3. EA1CS

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    (DX INFO/11 ENERO 2025)

    Los operadores del West Bengal Radio Club continúan su actividad desde Sagar Island, AS-153. Como publiqué, se largará hasta el 16 de enero. En su página de FB, han dejado una pequeña galería de fotos, y un vídeo de lo que está siendo su operación.
    The operators of the West Bengal Radio Club continue their activity from Sagar Island, AS-153. As I published, it will be launched until January 16. On their FB page, they have left a small photo gallery, and a video of what their operation is being like.


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