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ARRL Southeast Division Vice Director, Jeff Beals, WA4AW, SK

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W6EM, Jul 24, 2024.

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  1. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Dear ARRL members in the Southeastern Division,

    I’m writing you with the sad news that our Vice Director, Jeff Beals, WA4AW, became a Silent Key on Saturday, July 20, 2024, after a battle with cancer.

    Jeff was a friend to many over the years. He helped with all sorts of issues when I was president of the Broward ARC, including testing and listening to my complaints. I saw Jeff with every Section Manager at club meetings since 2000, guiding them, making sure ARRL was part of program!

    Jeff was a connector – his “super power” was finding volunteers and organizing events so that others would see the value of their service.

    “We’ll see you next time!” And you knew he would call.

    He “volunteered” many of us to charitable runs and bike rides, the South Florida Fair and many other events that promoted amateur radio, and hamfests. He volunteered entire clubs then challenged us to show!

    I will miss Jeff at ARRL Board meetings – he would lean over and give me insight into ongoing (live) issues, and we always discussed difficult issues. Jeff has long-time friends, some from high school, on the ARRL

    Jeff gave most of his free time to the ARRL and amateur radio. He was a dedicated “Servant Leader,” with most weekends at activities with others.

    His life as an amateur radio leader and generally good person was exemplary. Let us all remember Jeff’s life of contributions with thanks and fondness.

    73, Jeff. You will be missed.

    Mickey Baker, N4MB
    ARRL Director
    Southeastern Division
    KF2ZZ, KQ4UMP, KE2CDK and 19 others like this.
  2. K4DL

    K4DL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I believe Amateur Radio lost a valuable asset in Jeff. I had the pleasure of getting to know him last year at the Mobile and Huntsville hamfests.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.
    K4JGA, NL7XM, N4MB and 7 others like this.
  3. K6BP

    K6BP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Jeff was my Elmer 50 years ago, and I had the privilege to see him again at several recent conferences. He will be missed.
    K4JGA, N4FUR, NL7XM and 7 others like this.
  4. KF2GQ

    KF2GQ QRZ Lifetime Member #103 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I met Jeff at our club field day many times over the years, also at ham fests. Whoever takes over his position will have very large shoes to fill.
    73 Jeff from all the club members of the Jupiter Tequesta Repeater Group
    K4JGA, NL7XM, N4MB and 5 others like this.
  5. NL7XM

    NL7XM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Like others have said, Jeff was a tremendous asset to Amateur Radio and will be missed by me and many. Jeff was among my principal Elmers when we met in 1982 while he was President of the Fort Myers ARC where we consistently put on program presentations to packed audiences.
    It was my high honor to serve along with Jeff for the last 11 years on the Board of QCWA International, with Jeff holding the most recent position as its dedicated Vice President while simultaneously meeting responsibilities as ARRL Vice Director of the Southeast Division.
    Highly principled and steeply versed in the history of Amateur Radio, Jeff was respected by all who understood his passion and advocacy.
    Many good and sensible policies were implemented by Jeff wherever he had authority to institute change. I predict his efforts will be appreciated for many years by those who stand to benefit from them.
    We shared many more ideas that did not materialize before his passing, and I hope to achieve support for these in his memory.
    Vy 73 old friend.
    K4JGA, N4MB, AD4E and 7 others like this.
  6. K5WLR

    K5WLR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Jeff, thanks for all you did for the South Florida Section; you will be missed.

    Will Rogers
    Fayetteville, AR
    K4JGA, NL7XM, N4MB and 2 others like this.
  7. KB4UF

    KB4UF Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've known Jeff for over 30 years. Always the first guy in line to take the job nobody wanted. I moved from West Palm Beach 10 years ago, but always made my way over to ARRL at the Hamcation in Orlando just to talk to Jeff. Gonna miss ya buddy. 73
    K4JGA, NL7XM, N4MB and 1 other person like this.
  8. WA2KXE

    WA2KXE Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    This is VERY shocking news! Jeff and I have been good friends since we met in elementary school, in our hometown of Long Beach, New York, 60 years ago. That was back when we both were members of the 5 Towns Radio Club. Jeff had just gotten his WN2OUK Novice license and it was a few years later when I got WN2BNL, which I unfortunately let lapse. For as long as I can remember, Jeff gave 100%+ for Amateur Radio. Over the years, I have seen Jeff's name prominently associated with the many organizations that he was involved with. ARRL, QCWA, local Florida clubs. Jeff was always there and held a prominent position. Amateur radio in general and the local Florida clubs suffered a great loss with Jeff's passing. My deepest condolences go out to his beautiful wife, Myra. May Jeff Rest in Peace!!! Art WA2KXE
    K4JGA, NL7XM, N4MB and 4 others like this.
  9. W2IKN

    W2IKN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very sorry to hear about Jeff. I have known him since the early 1960's. I lived in just the next town from him in Long Island. The last time I saw him was at the Dayton Convention in 2013. My deepest condolences to his wife Myra. Regards Bob, W2IKN
    K4JGA, NL7XM and N4MB like this.
  10. NA4RA

    NA4RA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I've known Jeff for over 35 years. I worked with him on several hurricane deployments with the State of Florida Communications. He was the radio guy to go to when you needed anything. He had just about every radio part in his work truck. He was smart and generous with his knowledge. He will be missed and I will miss seeing my friend at all the different HAM events. The HAM community has lost a remarkable Elmer.. Rest in peace and enjoy your DXing wherever you are...73 WA4AW my friend....
    NL7XM and N4MB like this.
  11. VE6AFO

    VE6AFO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I had the opportunity to first meet Jeff while serving on the Quarter Century Wireless Association (QCWA) Board of Directors. Jeff first served on the Board in the fall of 2012 when my first term as president began. Jeff inspired many great ideas for the organization, (Pete Varounis, NL7XM has already covered these very nicely), which continue today.

    At one of the Board meetings he entertained a motion to have QCWA members, and others, to sign off with '47', which the Board passed unanimously. Many who now hear '47' wonder what this all about?

    This was Jeff's way of saying that QCWA was founded in 1947, and the mentioning organization's mission statement, "To promote friendship and cooperation among Amateur Radio (Wireless) operators who were licensed as such at least a quarter of a century ago."

    This was the type of fellow Jeff was...a true gentlemen who was willing to help anyone who had asked!

    My best to his wife Myra in these trying times. I met Myra several times and I can attest she also shared Jeff's passion for amateur radio.

    RIP Jeff

    47 & 73
    Ken Oelke, VE6AFO
    Immediate Past President, QCWA
    NL7XM, N4MB and AD4E like this.
  12. KC3D

    KC3D Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Jeff was one of the first hams I met when I moved to South Florida 10 years ago. He introduced me to QCWA as well as a number of the local clubs.
    He was always there whenever I had a question or problem and helped to have me appointed to the QCWA national nominating committee.
    He was a regular at our QCWA chapter meetings as well as the local hamfests.
    He will be GREATLY miss.
    73 and RIP dear friend.
    NL7XM and N4MB like this.
  13. W1MBB

    W1MBB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Jeff was a mensch. I had many enjoyable conversations with Jeff about vintage radios and various other topics. His enthusiasm was always evident, and I cherished our time discussing our mutual interests. He will be greatly missed.

    Jeff's commitment to amateur radio was more than just a hobby. He was a leader, a teacher, and a friend to many. He loved sharing his knowledge, helping newcomers, and talking about the history and evolution of radio equipment. His dedication went beyond personal enjoyment; he volunteered countless hours to local radio clubs, emergency communication efforts, and public service events.

    Rest in peace, Jeff. Thank you for everything you've done for the amateur radio community.
    NL7XM and N4MB like this.
  14. A65DB

    A65DB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Heartfelt Condolences to his family
    NL7XM and N4MB like this.
  15. WH2US

    WH2US Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sad to hear the news of an outstanding asset, mentor and advocate. Rest in Peace.
    NL7XM and N4MB like this.

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