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ARRL Proposes New Entry Level License Class w/ HF

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by N1YZ, Jan 20, 2004.

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  1. N2MTB

    N2MTB Ham Member QRZ Page

    ragchewing my A$$ !!! someone swallowed tha dang thing! 73 [​IMG]
  2. W2ITG

    W2ITG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Say what you want. you cannot stop the inevetable. I am looking forward to the free ride. I hate cw. MARK is alot easier than -- .- .-. -.- !!!!!!!!!!!!! I can send more than I can recieve. I already have the gear so I would not contribute any more money to them. Maybe the antenna manufacturers. I could always use a better ant. Not only is it going to boost manufacturer sales it will also give a boost to the used radios too. More demand makes the radios worth more. And people will be able to sell radios easier because there will be a demand for good cheap radios that work well, not everone will be able to afford a new HF rig. Catch you on the air after my free ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. K3DAV

    K3DAV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi Mark.  Is it possible I have heard you on the .85 machine in State Collage?  I'm near Harrisburg, and I have used that repeater a few times to follow friends traveling up your way.

    Just wondering.
  4. K6IRP

    K6IRP Ham Member QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (kb3itg @ Mar. 01 2004,22:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Say what you want. you cannot stop the inevetable. I am looking forward to the free ride. I hate cw.  ----Catch you on the air after my free ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [​IMG]  [​IMG]  [​IMG]  [​IMG]  [​IMG][/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    Yep----the quoted posting hear is real and from a guy just above. I guess it's just human nature to want it free, whatever we can get we want. Aty least in this Country.

    This posting was honest, a lot of folks feel like this guy. Do you proponents of the arrl plan , those of you without a conflict that won't be effected by it, actually believe this type of attitude is good for the ars or the hobby? Seems pretty basic to me...Chris

    the arrl sold out the ars/hobby
  5. W0UZR

    W0UZR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi Chirs

    Someone else said it,,and now I will.

    The ARRL sold us out. Look at that post you quoted. Those the kind of people they want in amature radio? People that have NO pride?

    I would have been totally embarrassed and ashamed to come on the air without at least trying to upgrade before this proposal happens. The ARRL isn't interested in the quality of ham radio,,Just themselves. "Line their pockets!"
  6. K3DAV

    K3DAV Ham Member QRZ Page

    KB3ITG was yanking your chain to stir you up, and you fell hook, line, and sinker. You guys are so predictable.

    Relax. Kick back. Have some fun on the radio before us Gimme Techs, freeloaders, VHF/CB'ers, (or whatever new stupid name you want to give us this week), take over all of the HF ham bands, and turn them into multiple 10-4 good buddy CB bands. We'll start "CB trucker" nets, "Echo mic" nets, "Roger beep" nets, "Yank out the audio limiter" nets, "My 10KW linear" nets, (and my personal favorite), "Do I Need A License" nets, on every band. Yep! I can't wait for my free ride too. 10-4? boooweep [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Lighten up boys. The whinning and false accusations over a mode of transmission really belittles you. Seek help.
  7. W0UZR

    W0UZR Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's not about a mode of transmission..

    You are stuck on that, and others tried to explain as well. That this about the heart of ham radio.

    When the test is difficult to pass, then only the dedicated,,the disciplined, and quality people that have pride are going to go through all that to want to get there.

    It's about the survival of the core and integrity of ham radio.

    Daaa! If you don't understand by now, you're not going to.....Got no pride
  8. K6IRP

    K6IRP Ham Member QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (kb0uzr @ Mar. 04 2004,00:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's not about a mode of transmission..

    You are stuck on that, and others tried to explain as well.  That this about the heart of ham radio.

    When the test is difficult to pass, then only the dedicated,,the disciplined, and quality people that have pride are going to go through all that to want to get there.

    It's about the survival of the core and integrity of ham radio.

    Daaa! If you don't understand by now, you're not going to.....Got no pride[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    perfectly said---thanks for the posting...Chris
  9. N0KLU

    N0KLU Ham Member QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (K3DAV @ Mar. 04 2004,00:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">KB3ITG was yanking your chain to stir you up, and you fell hook, line, and sinker.  You guys are so predictable.

    Relax. Kick back.  Have some fun on the radio before us Gimme Techs, freeloaders, VHF/CB'ers, (or whatever new stupid name you want to give us this week), take over all of the HF ham bands, and turn them into multiple 10-4 good buddy CB bands. We'll start "CB trucker" nets, "Echo mic" nets, "Roger beep" nets, "Yank out the audio limiter" nets, "My 10KW linear" nets, (and my personal favorite), "Do I Need A License" nets, on every band. Yep!   I can't wait for my free ride too.  10-4? boooweep [​IMG]  [​IMG]

    Lighten up boys.  The whinning and false accusations over a mode of transmission really belittles you.  Seek help.[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    Right on Dave, you know I researched the origins of this case to drop the CW requirement, and what did I find:

    Those who made the FCC petitions to drop the CW Requirement were in fact Generals and Extras! Not Tech's.

    Irony, they blame the Tech's for something that started with in their own ranks! Hummm sounds like a conspiracy to cause degradation of an entire class of license. I bet when the FCC decided to drop the FCC proctored testing they went wild too. And have you heard of any arguments when they lowered from 13 WPM to 5 WPM from those who got in at 5, as in refusing a "free ride" or some other such nonsense.

    The TECH's did not start this war, EXTRAS/GENERALS did!!!

    But all blame it on the Tech's for NOT refusing a free gift!

    What a laugh!
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  10. W0UZR

    W0UZR Ham Member QRZ Page

    I can't tell you how I hate this guy,,,but you know what? [​IMG]

    (he's right) [​IMG]
  11. K3DAV

    K3DAV Ham Member QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (kb0uzr @ Mar. 04 2004,02:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When the test is difficult to pass, then only the dedicated,,the disciplined, and quality people that have pride are going to go through all that to want to get there.

    It's about the survival of the core and integrity of ham radio.[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    Yes I have heard all of the cursing and belching, and sound effects from those "dedicated, the disciplined, and quality people that have all that pride, on 40 and 75/80 meters. Yep! The code made them wonderful operators.</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's not about a mode of transmission..

    You are stuck on that, and others tried to explain as well. That this about the heart of ham radio.[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'> It's partially about a mode of transmission. The other part is bruised egos. "I HAD TO DO IT, SO YOU SHOULD TOO". There is another thread on QRZ that has generals and extras admitting it left and right. That's not my opinion, it's their own words. The only thing I'm stuck on is the truth.

    N0KLU is 100% right as even you admit to. We Tech's didn't ask for this, your own fellow General's and Extra's did.

    I am all for the ARRL proposal, but you are dumping on all of us Tech's, as if we wrote the danged thing.

    Daaa! If you don't understand by now, you're not going to.....
  12. W0UZR

    W0UZR Ham Member QRZ Page

    You're right, and score a point, and I'm right and score a point.

    If I were still a novice, or was a tec, I'd get to a testing session before this proposal comes about. (if it does).

    I got too much pride.

    ps. I was just kidding about hating klu
  13. K6IRP

    K6IRP Ham Member QRZ Page

     Yes I have heard all of the cursing and belching, and sound effects from those "dedicated, the disciplined, and quality people that have all that pride, on 40 and 75/80 meters.  Yep! The code made them wonderful operators.</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's not about a mode of transmission..[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>

    Dave--Wrong again---at least you're consistant....

    40,80 and even vhf while surely going downhill are nothing like what cb is like and all of this will one day be as we lower our standards to zero------by the way----I'm blaming no one----but the arrl leadership...not the techs as a group --hell--I was one for a long time-------there are good and bad in every group---I think many techs in fact have the personal pride to want to advance with a little effort....adios amigo
  14. K3DAV

    K3DAV Ham Member QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ke6irp @ Mar. 05 2004,13:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Dave--Wrong again---at least you're consistant....

    40,80 and even vhf while surely going downhill are nothing like what cb is like and all of this will one day be as we lower our standards to zero------by the way----I'm blaming no one----but the arrl leadership...not the techs as a group --hell--I was one for a long time-------there are good and bad in every group---I think many techs in fact have the personal pride to want to advance with a little effort....adios amigo[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    You're pretty consistant yourself.

    No one is saying that 40/80 meters is as bad as CB. It is just a point that proves that the CW requirement does not work to keep them out. They are there, and they passed the CW requirement. 2+2=4 Very obvious and simple.

    Most of your comments are based on your assumption that they are lowering the standards to ZERO, and that is just not true. The ARRL proposal just drops the CW requirement to upgrade to General, and grandfathers Techs to General. THAT'S ALL.

    When you think about it, the written exam for General is not that much harder than the tech exam. I passed it, (Element 3) with a little studying. What knowledge that is gained from it is not that different from the Tech exam. So the grandfathering makes sense.

    CB was doomed from the beginning. They NEVER had testing of any kind. The standard for CB was always ZERO. It just took a while to show it as more and more people got into it. So from day 1, anybody and their brother could just buy a CB, mail in the application, plunk down the license fee, and get on the air. That's why CB is like it is, and amateur radio is NOT, and never will be.

    Chris. The only way amateur radio would become just like CB is, if the FCC dropped the licensing completely and forever, without any more enforcement of any kind. And that is just not ever going to happen. It is absolutely foolish to even assume so. Amateur radio is now, and always will be, a cut above. And the HF bands will be just fine. The ARRL has our best interest at heart. We are just doing what the rest of the planet seems to know is right. And not all, but most of the General's and Extra's I speak to (Off the forums), seem to agree.

    Take care Chris.
  15. N0KLU

    N0KLU Ham Member QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (kb0uzr @ Mar. 05 2004,04:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You're right, and score a point, and I'm right and score a point.

    If I were still a novice, or was a tec, I'd get to a testing session before this  proposal comes about. (if it does).

    I got too much pride.

    ps. I was just kidding about hating klu[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    Already have, I took the exam and passed the general back on Feb 7th, also took a shot at Extra I got 50% with no study.

    I also have a certain amount of pride in what I do, although remember:"Pride goeth before a fall". So some humility should also be in order. [​IMG]
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