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ARRL Field Day: Is it a Contest or Not? The Contest Crew Opines

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Jun 14, 2024.

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  1. K3CQR

    K3CQR Ham Member QRZ Page

    If people enjoy participating in field day (or contests), by all means go for it. I think it is unnecessary for hams to speak out against other hams
    who enjoy the activity. To each his own!
    KI5UXW and AE8EM like this.
  2. W0RUS

    W0RUS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Does it matter? I enjoy it every year either way lol
  3. KB8PGW

    KB8PGW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I like Field Day as a test of the battle of the modes-

    Every year so far, CW has obtained the highest number of QSO's I've worked in. This year was no different. But the Data modes are edging up closer and closer to what I can do with CW. I don't see this as a bad thing- we are seeing more participants and more efficient operation with the various digital modes. I would not at all be upset if the data guys outperformed what I can do with CW. I'm not just going to make it easy going.. :)
  4. KK9W

    KK9W Ham Member QRZ Page

    Only thing outdoors at my Alabama QTH in the June heat and humidity that's operating a contest is my air conditioner. :)
  5. KB8PGW

    KB8PGW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    My first Field Day I sent about that speed with a straight key, and the stations called had no problem with it.

    The next FD the code speed was up to about 20. Still a straight key. Even with my rotten sending they got my call and exchange the first time.

    Now its 20 wpm plus with an automatic keyer.
    N2EY likes this.
  6. K3CQR

    K3CQR Ham Member QRZ Page

    NO, NO, NO.....don't ever think you are not a good operator because your code speed is 7 wpm.
    Don't worry about what the other operators speed. You are doing just fine?
    N2EY, VK3SQ and KD9LSW like this.
  7. K2WPM

    K2WPM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    N2EY, thanks for posting the rules back when ARRL sections was a multiplier. Wish the ARRL would restore that rule! But maybe that would make it a contest... :-/

    David, K2WPM
    VK3SQ likes this.
  8. K4FWJ

    K4FWJ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    There is virtually nothing that Ham Radio ops won't argue about. :rolleyes:
    VK3SQ, K3CQR, WB4ZCP and 1 other person like this.
  9. KI5UXW

    KI5UXW Ham Member QRZ Page

    If that's all you have is an EFHW, then I say go for it and make tons of QSOs! With knowledge of long wire radiation patterns and the effect of height above ground, one can make the most of even a modest EFHW installation. Work NVIS on 40 for those local states and then hop over to 20-15-10 for some gain to go further!
    VK3SQ likes this.
  10. KI5UXW

    KI5UXW Ham Member QRZ Page

    WB4ZCP likes this.
  11. W2VW

    W2VW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Kewell story bro.
  12. G8FXC

    G8FXC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You are totally wrong there!

    Martin G8FXC
  13. KI5UXW

    KI5UXW Ham Member QRZ Page

  14. W2VW

    W2VW Ham Member QRZ Page

    If you haven't yet, take a look at some of the Contest Crew videos linked on this site and/or Contest University.

    You may notice certain antenna types missing from the active stations.

    The OP asks or narrates depending on POV "Is it or is it not a contest".

    That's one way of telling.

    Stolen from American Heritage U:

    contest /kŏn′tĕst″/
    1. A struggle for superiority or victory between rivals.
      "England's contest with Spain for domination of the seas."
    2. A competition, especially one in which entrants perform separately and are rated by judges.
      "a spelling contest."
    intransitive verb
    To compete or strive for; struggle to gain or control.

    END of stolen text.

    Minimalist stuff can be a lot of fun and education also but that really is another thread.
    KD9LSW likes this.
  15. K3CQR

    K3CQR Ham Member QRZ Page

    You mean like reals hams don't use FT8 or the CW requirement or SDR's or QSO' via the Internet.....stuff like that?
    KI5UXW likes this.

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