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ARRL BOXBORO ma Hamfest was cool !!

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by KB1WAL, Aug 27, 2012.

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  1. KB1WAL

    KB1WAL Ham Member QRZ Page

    This was my first large hamfest held in boxboro massachusetts. There were over 2000 people there and many choices for classes to choose from. The swap meet outside in the parking lot had lots of
    cool equipment for sale. Inside the large trade show vendor area had lots of excellent parts and new radios for display and for sale. I got the see the new Elecraft radios in the show booth and got to ask the co founder Eric Swartz questions about his equipment during his presentations. I really like hearing what he had to say about how he insists on quality and making the radio IN THE USA !!
    ICOM and Kenwood and Flexray were well represented. I was impressed to see that ICOM supports the Boy Scouts of America merit badge with an awesome setup shipped by a pelican case !!
    Ham radio outlet (HRO) was there with lots of goodies there for sale.
    I liked learning from fellow hams in the hallways and in the presentation seminars. I liked that other hamfests and swap meets were promoted at a table in the hall way so I knew when the next events are coming up. I enjoyed going to the saturday dinner and chatting with fellow hams and eating an excellent meal too. On saturday night they gave away an Elecraft KX3 radio !!!
    Minuteman repeater association ( had their own raffle with several nice prizes available. I was surprised to win an older ICOM IC-730 radio, pyramid Phase III power supply and a kenwood antenna tuner !!
    At the end of the convention several great prizes were given away including several mobile rigs and even the Super duper base rig that anyone could try out for QSO. I believe it was the Yaesu model.
    I look forward to attending my next hamfest. The ARRL centennial convention is going to be held in hartford connecticut on july 17-20 the 2014.
  2. AB1QP

    AB1QP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Rats.. I had an off site this week and couldnt make it.
    Glad it was enjoyable.
  3. N1GNX

    N1GNX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Was also at Boxboro event, had a wonderful time. Took advantage of the exam session and passed exam for my Amateur Extra license.
    Attended the dinner on Saturday night with a friend and Sat with a couple from NH ,both the husband and wife were ham's ( wish I could remember their name or call sign, horrible at both)

    Can't wait to attend next convention
  4. N1GNX

    N1GNX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    opps , attended Friday's dinner not Saturday's
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