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ARLB011 Amateur Radio Parity Act Language Inserted in National Defense Authorization Act

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by N9PBD, May 11, 2018.

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  1. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    God... its not like taking the IOWA test or the SAT. It's more like a 30 second MCAT or something...
    KC8VWM likes this.
  2. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Christ, I WROTE The Test, but I still screwed up royally and picked "Penguin"!

    I'm thinking that even Gordon West would give me Ribbons of Shame for that one.

    ...So much for having a Ship Radar Endorsement!

    And So I don't know why he should be shy or embarrassed about taking it.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2018
    KC8VWM likes this.
  3. KC8VWM

    KC8VWM Ham Member QRZ Page

    This kinda reminds me of the NCLEX test. I'm all nervous and everything. Critical thinking is going into overdrive... LOL (NOT)
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2018
  4. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Oh yea... I remember on the IOWA Test, they gave you a sample question. There was a plate. And then you had to pick three of four choices:
    Eye Glasses.

    So, I picked the knife, the fork, and the eye glasses. I figured that you need your glasses to see to eat, and skipped the spoon entirely since they showed you a plate and not a bowl, so you wouldn't need the spoon at least until later since its impossible to serve soup on a plate.

    I guess it's a wonder I passed my Board of Nursing exam...
  5. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Do you think he's tsking The Test right now?
  6. KC8VWM

    KC8VWM Ham Member QRZ Page

    That's freakin hilarious. :D I think I would really enjoy working the night shift with you...
  7. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well... Nighty Nite!
  8. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    N5PZJ and KC8VWM like this.
  9. KC8VWM

    KC8VWM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yeah he wimped out...
  10. W8LV

    W8LV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Man, he sure did! It's so easy to shirk things on the Internet. God even an Open Book Test, what's the Big Deal?
    KC8VWM likes this.
  11. KC8VWM

    KC8VWM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yup and with that the thread is now locked.


    The End.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2018
    WD3N and N5PZJ like this.
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