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Amateurs Perform Music in Nashville

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by K0XV, Aug 26, 2024.

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  1. K0XV

    K0XV Ham Member QRZ Page

    K0XV, K4KZ, AA4VT.jpg Jim, K0XV; Lonnie, K4KZ and Dave, AA4VT, who are not only Extra class hams and contesters, but also fellow French Horn players. We recently met in Nashville to perform with the Global Mission Project Orchestra in late June when we met for the first time.
    N2PQW, KR4EE, K8BB and 5 others like this.
  2. W9EBE

    W9EBE Subscriber QRZ Page

    Nice! Is there a recording of the performance available online?

    73 es ZUT,
    Chip W9EBE
  3. K0XV

    K0XV Ham Member QRZ Page

    As a matter of fact, Chip, there is.
    Here's the link to the YouTube video:
    KR4EE likes this.
  4. W9EBE

    W9EBE Subscriber QRZ Page

    Excellent. I'm looking forward to checking it out. Thanks!
  5. W9EBE

    W9EBE Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm enjoying listening to the performance as I write. Well done. Except for a few French Horn players "hamming it up."
    .... ..

    73 es ZUT,
    Chip W9EBE

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