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Amateur Radio Training Course for Rover Scouts in Bangladesh

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by S21RAK, Jan 3, 2025.

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  1. S21RAK

    S21RAK Ham Member QRZ Page

    In March of 2024, a rover scout skill course on amateur radio was organised by a rover scout group in Dhaka. S21AM and S21D were the instructors of the course, they, along with S21RAK, gave a basic idea about amateur radio. Again, in October 2024, that same rover scout group had set up a JOTAJOTI station where a broader idea of amateur radio was given to rover scouts. Because of these events, the interest on amateur radio began to increase among the young rover scouts. Seeing the interest, S21AM & S21RAK decided to help the rover scouts advance with amateur radio. AR Skill.jpeg

    To prepare the next generation of amateur radio operators, 13th Hussars Open Rover Scout Group has organised an amateur radio course for their rover scouts which will be conducted by Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service, FAIRS. The orientation of the course took place on Saturday, 23rd November 2024 at Willes Little Flower School, Dhaka and the sessions began on 26th December 2024. The orientation was led and conducted by S21AM and was arranged by S21RAK. The course has been designed in accordance with Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, BTRC's amateur radio syllabus and Rover Scout program. Our goal is to not only prepare the course participants for the exam, but also to strengthen their base so that they don’t get lost in the universe of amateur radio. This course has been divided into 10 different topics and the sessions will be hybrid. The theoretical sessions will be conducted online and practical sessions will be conducted in person. Experts from relative fields will conduct sessions on different topics. The participants will learn Basic Electronics, Wave Theory, Rules and Regulations of Radio communication and many more. This course will provide the much needed guidance for radio enthusiasts. ARO by F&H 1.jpeg
    25 Rover Scouts have signed up for the course. They’ve embarked on a journey to acquire knowledge, a journey to be one and only.

    We have a dream, and our goal is to fulfill that dream. Keep us in your prayers. Inn Sha Allah, success awaits.


    de S21RAK
    Md Raquibul Amin Khandaker

    Attached Files:

    VU2JO, PE1PTS, NL7W and 5 others like this.
  2. PP2CS

    PP2CS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Congratulations to the organizers for the initiative - PP2CS
    F4LPH likes this.
  3. F4LPH

    F4LPH Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Bonjour à tous, et bravo pour cette belle initiative
    Félicitations et continuer vos rêves
    73's de France
    PP2CS likes this.
  4. W5ABQ

    W5ABQ XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Khub bhalo kara, bhai!
    F4LPH likes this.
  5. W9YAR

    W9YAR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Congratulations for initiative, and congratulations to all members for biding to beautiful field of radio communication!
    F4LPH likes this.
  6. KO6DEF

    KO6DEF Ham Member QRZ Page

    Awesome. I'll be on the look out for some Bangladesh DX soon:)
  7. N2NWK

    N2NWK Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Congratulations and will be listening for you all.
    73 de N2NWK / 9Y4NWK
  8. HJ3MYS

    HJ3MYS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Excelente trabajo sigan así bendiciones
  9. BG8LES

    BG8LES Ham Member QRZ Page

    祝贺你们,期待空中长见。BG8LES .
  10. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Today morning I heard @S21RW on 7050 kHz with 5,7-8 signal report. Hope to hear many more from S21 on the air soon. Best wishes for the program. 73
  11. BH6RPI

    BH6RPI Ham Member QRZ Page


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