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Amateur Digital Radio Award

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by RK3DSW, Nov 17, 2021.

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  1. RK3DSW

    RK3DSW Ham Member QRZ Page

    «Amateur Digital Radio Award» is issued to all applicants for active work on the air by 16 digital modes of radio communication CONTESTIA, DOMINO, FT8, HELL, JT65, JT9, MFSK, MT63, OLIVIA, PSK, ROS, RTTY, SSTV, T10, THOR, THROB on any HF and VHF bands. The applicant has the opportunity to receive a single diploma with the addition of stickers on it for the number of radio communications as the conditions are met. The diploma is issued with stickers 1st QSO, 10000 QSO, 30000 QSO, 50000 QSO, 100000 QSO indicating the dates of these radio communications. The diploma is issued to SWL operators. All radio communications (observations) are counted starting from the date of the applicant's first QSO in DIGI.

    Checking the log and obtaining a diploma is implemented on the website
    To obtain diplomas, you need to do and know the following:
    • prepare for download a hardware log in ADI format with a volume of no more than 40 MB with all your QSOs for the period starting from the date of your first QSO in DIGI;
    USEFUL TIPS for creating a log in ADI format:
    - some logs form adi in accordance with the fields (columns) that are displayed in the hardware log;
    - before creating an adi file, we recommend setting up the display of the hardware log by removing some data (for example, QTH, NAME and others) and leaving only the data necessary for the diploma application (CALL, DATE, TIME, BAND, FREQ, MODE, RSTs, RSTr) - thus, when forming an adif, the file weight will become significantly less;
    - QSOs in the adi file should be arranged in the order from the 1st to the last (and not vice versa, as for example in the HAM RADIO DELUX log) - to do this, check your adi before downloading and edit the order of links using another log or software;
    - if after downloading the adi there is no date of this link on the diploma under the sticker, then there is no date in your log for this link;
    - report these errors and specify the correct dates to the Diploma Manager awards(at) and he will make corrections to the already issued diploma - only the manager can make corrections to the diploma issued to you - or the manager, at your request, can delete the diploma and then you can upload your corrected adi file and get a diploma with the correct dates!
    • select "Amateur Digital Radio Award" from the drop-down list, fill in all the fields of the download form without errors (please note: as you specify the first and last name, they will be displayed on the diploma), use the "REVIEW" button to find the necessary ADI file and "SEND" your journal for processing;
    • after waiting for the end of downloading and processing the ADI file, you can immediately get a diploma with the completed stickers; and in the future, as the conditions for the number of radio communications are fulfilled and downloading your entire log every time, the following stickers will be added to the already issued diploma;
    • the issued diploma can be downloaded on the page
    SWL before checking the log, you must contact the diploma manager at email awards(at) or in the topic of the club forum.


    W7UUU and N3RYB like this.
  2. RK3DSW

    RK3DSW Ham Member QRZ Page

    • before creating the ADI file, make sure that all QSOs in the log are in chronological order of dates, starting from the first QSO

  3. RK3DSW

    RK3DSW Ham Member QRZ Page

    • before creating the ADI file, make sure that all QSOs in the log are in chronological order of dates, starting from the first QSO

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