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Al Quaida wins over Ham Radio?

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KA0TP, Apr 25, 2006.

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  1. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page


    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.  Well said.  Many politicians from both D and R parties are more interested in padding their personal hip pockets than truly governing effectively.

    I'll not prolong things, I think, by saying this, but there are some tnings I liked about president Clinton, and they come to mind almost continuously these days.  Perhaps I'm just overlooking the few traits of his I disliked.  There are quite a few things I abhore about president Bush, that I am reminded of on an almost daily basis.  But, he has a nice, eloquent father who I still respect.  Each and every day seems to bring new items of concern.  Now that Verizon has given them all of my family's phone records, I suspect that next will be a summary of all my credit card transactions via Citibank.
    And, perhaps what stocks I've bought and sold through Charles Schwab and Fidelity. And, maybe how much gas I'm buying or how many kWh's I'm using.

    Hopefully, with new leadership (the first female Speaker?) in a few months, Congress can begin to examine some of these problems with fervor, and produce some appropriate accountability.  Thus far, most misconduct has been totally ignored.  Except, of course, for the civilian subordinates being prosecuted by the Justice Department.


  2. N7YA

    N7YA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Theres no point staying "on topic"...any topic is fair game. Fred doesnt care at all. i dont blame him...hes smarter than all of us, we scream and hate on eachother and he gets paid for it...brilliant!

    As far as politics go.....I dont trust ANY of them. I said it before, i will say it until i die, they are NOT us, politicians do not represent you or I. they are a different breed. when is the last time you stood in line next to a politician to pay a bill? sat in coach on the plane next to one? do any of you honestly think they care? i dont. They dont struggle to feed their kids, they dont get their hands dirty...we do.

    To the gentleman who vented, i agree with you, i cant stand the squatter in office, i have read the same bumper stickers you read, but i have always said...hes not my president. Clinton? well, hes a Lawyer...what more can i say? granted, he didnt incite as much ire in me as the current occupant does, but who is going to do anything about it now? I sincerely believe Bush is untouchable. his bravado is unequalled.

    However, i dont feel that the "we own the government" case will hold water, the early colonies werent set up for the common man to do anything more than have a little more freedom in the way they ran business and slaves, these freedoms did not apply to women, blacks, Chinese, Irish and certainly not the Indians! trust me, i have copies of the Declaration, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights, right here next to me....every American should have copies of these.

    It was sold to the early settlers that this land was "our" land, it really wasnt, but it sure sounded good and kept the peace for segments at a time. Its hard to act like a monarchy when you are speaking out against another one, ya know. I hope you guys dont think that all of this treachery started with Bush, the government has always sold this stuff to us.

    We are not a nation united, far from it. In fact, we are a nation comprised of many smaller groups who are all convinced they are the only ones who are right. i dont know, maybe its just human nature to act this way, but i can tell you this...the more divided we are as a nation, the less chance of a unified voice the people have, with no unified voice...our incumbant officials are safely entrenched. hard for an entire nations people to hold a big government accountable when we cant even decide on what to hold them accountable for!

    The failed security, disgraceful education system, 2.7 trillion plus deficit, our 215 pound 12 year olds who dont listen, school shootings, growing homeless numbers, lack of natural disaster preparedness, etc....fingers are pointing in every direction. never in the same direction.

    I was watching Science Channel last night, they were talking about being prepared for the next round of big storms...the expert on there mentioned about the government making a big fuss about military options worldwide to protect us from incidents that may happen...yet every year regular, hard working Americans lose their lives and thousands of homes to big storms that they themselves are left to figure out a way to prepare for. every year these storms DO happen. FEMA was a failure, that was a government agency...they change the name and im sure it will be more of the same. lets hope not...but lets face it, it IS a government agency. how much good do you think it will do to pound on their door and yell at them that you pay their bills and they had better do what you demand. it wont happen....they will just call the police that you also own and pay for. they will put you into your own jail for a few hours.

    I agree that many of our countrymen are sheep, thinking is too difficult for most. its all good as long as we have our Starbucks, Playstations, McDonalds and chrome spinners for our import SUV's, and both liberal/conservative media outlets designed to get us all upset so we keep watching and buy more of the aforementioned reality, we are nothing more than veal. kept in the dark and fed a goulash of grease, arrogant pride and convenience. We have let this happen...all of us, democrats, republicans, middle-of-the-road apoliticals...we did it. it started when the first English/French flags were planted in the east and the first Spanish flag (and cross) was planted in the west in the 1500's.

    Just try speaking up about what you believe in, you will be labelled a terrorist, liberal, facist, nazi, etc...not labels applied by the government per se, but by eachother. we do the exact same thing here on QRZ...Fred would be a great politician. puts up a nice, generic post once in a while and steps out while we tear eachother up.

    I know that we as a nation are in for some more terrorist action, we are wide open for it here in our fortress nation. if they dont hit us, we will implode ourselves because we dont know how to treat eachother like human beings, with basic respect. bravado doesnt win wars OR respect, in fact, it loses them...bravado and arrogance leads to failure, history CLEARLY has shown us this. oh well, only a few of you will read this far anyway. It will get worse before it gets point? we're in for a rough ride. buckle up.

    ...ok, ill bite and tie this in with radio....i got on 20 earlier, then 15, 17 and finally 30...all i heard was a very weak W1AW and a W6, no DX...the good stuff is coming...just a couple more years. maybe ill be living in a cabin in the woods by then...far from anything the big companies will try to kick me out of my home for. gotta love that Imminent Domain crap...this will be my second time being removed so my neighborhood can be "beautified"...yeah, beautified with a parking lot.

    73...Adam, N7YA
  3. W9GRN

    W9GRN QRZ Member QRZ Page

    I totally agree with you.What i'm wondering is though ... if people are so bored or disgusted with this thread, why do they keep posting?I see lots of different topics that are interesting and rarely get any replies at all.
  4. KT6K

    KT6K Ham Member QRZ Page

    A poll of 1000+ yesterday . . .

    Who would you prefer to be our President?

    Clinton 76%

    Bush    24%

    CapeGate . . .  you gota' get a Lid on 'HiT
  5. N3TEE

    N3TEE Ham Member QRZ Page

    145.1300 HAM Rptr - Vero Beach rexmsn of NASA Select. FM
    146.9400 HAM Rptr - Melbourne rexmsn of NASA Select. FM
    147.2700 HAM Rptr - Daytona Beach rexmsn of NASA Comms FM
    These are the hams repeater freq.

    73 Shawn
  6. KA7W

    KA7W Ham Member QRZ Page

    AA1MN Chuck

    Yes, Amatuer Radio is for the safety of the population. And employee's of NASA should appreciate us !

    Yes, It appears that Al Quaida has won !! [​IMG] We are giving in to the NON FREEDOM type of thinking. And I for one believe we are making a huge mistake and history has proven that it will happen. So, I guess to your satisfaction, Good bye America is in the works !! [​IMG]

    On the positive side, I have been an American for 68 years but it don't look like my Grand kids will be.. [​IMG]

    73 de KA7W [​IMG]
  7. KG4CGC

    KG4CGC Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good God Almighty! Jefferson and Franklin were right!
    "A society that chooses safety over Liberty deserve neither".
    Sorry, that just the way it is. Nothing has changed except the name of the bad guy.
  8. KA9UCE

    KA9UCE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Geez, I love how some folks feel that because some moron holds the highest political office in the nation, that I 'must' bow down to him or her and 'respect' that person as well.

    This is PURE B.S.

    That current moron is in office because too many SHEEP did NOT listen to the facts nor pay close attention to what 'he' said during his speeches.

    Nobody listened, beacause IF you did, you would have heard the great mouth tell everybody up front how he's going to give tax breaks to the rich, while screwing the rest of the nation!

    I recall his TV statement and I still can't understand HOW he could have been voted in.

    But then again, he was elected by the supreme court, which does NOT have votign rights nor is authorized to determine the outcome of any election, so the seat shrubery got the chair, and we are all paying for it again and again.

    Two parties to pick from is NOT a choice.

    How about 'Russian Roulette' with a single shot rifle then?
    Same 'odds' basically, empty chamber or live chamber?

    As far as 'my' problem goes, it's MY right to say whatever the heck I choose to say, it's NOT a 'privilege' that can be denied, like my owning a gun, it's a RIGHT, and they are not political pawns to be tossed about or voted upon or with.

    My hatred of Bush is well accepted by a larger segment of the population and we are growing.

    How many freedoms are you willing to throw away to keep this moron fat and happy with the blood of YOUR family members???

    Iraq is nto a war, it's an illegal invasion, like the bay of pigs fiasco, and BOTh are failures.

    Have we learned anything yet?

    This nation's political morons can't understand why so many nations hate us...could it be we invade any nation 'we' consider a threat to 'national security' even if the connection is so miniscule in reality, or the fact that since the great mouth has been in office, we are in debt so deep due to military spending that we'll never pay it off.
    Not to mention the innocent men, women and children our military has murdered and slain in the name of 'freedom'.

    What a joke....GITMO has been PROVEN to be a torture prison, but it's still open for business and runnign the very same way...BY DESPOTS!

    The NSA and CIA spies on the U.S people which, by the very definition of LAW, is ILLEGAL, but they are still spying.

    I guss the house to house raids are soon in coming as well...ALL thanks to GEORGE W. BUSH and company.

    But remember, it's ALL for YOUR safety and freedom*cough*.

    Bush should be charged with TREASON and illegal usurpation, not to mention 'high crimes'....How about consecutive 100 year terms in solitary for what he's done against the citizens of THIS nation?

    Rant all you want, hate and despise me for my views, but I WILL say them and they are correct, the proof is in the news every day now about his crimes....he's a DISGRACE to the U.S population, but the wealthy love this S.O.B.

    As an EX soldier, this moron makes me puke!
    He was AWOL often and bought his way out, like many before him did that survived on hand outs by the people.

    If I went AWOL during duty, you can bet I would have been locked up, what makes him so special.....MONEY perhaps?

    Must have been the almighty dollar, 'cuz regular folks would be sitting behind bars.

    I talk to god too, and he told me Bush was an idiot!
  9. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Perhaps the November elections may change things a bit in Washington.  Congress may actually wake up and do something about the guy.

    The Rove Indictment should be announced publicly in the next couple of days.

    And, today's newspaper said something about Cheney being the one pushing for the phone number data.  I'm not surprised.  He should be next for investigation and Impeachment.  That is, if Congress has the guts.  It will have (the guts) come January 2007, in any case.

    Wouldn't it be novelle to see both taken out in 2007, and the next in line for the Presidency, a woman Democratic Speaker of the House. Nancy Pelosi. Did someone say "end-run" on Hillary?
  10. UA1OSM

    UA1OSM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Poor America!
    Prior to 1973 USSR/Russia felt rather comfortable and careless regarding passenger planes safety and passengers processing onboard and during very flights. Nothing to worry about.
    In 1973 two gunned Luthuanians, dad and son Brazinskas hijacked regular flight turboprop liner An-24 and killed the stewardess, a young girl, who tried to stop them. The plane crossed USSR border and landed in Turkey, forced by two gunners.
    Killed girl Nadya Kurchenko became the first victim of big aviation terror.
    Killers were tried in Turkey and were not returned to USSR. USA played dirty political game and said the two Lithuanians were national freedom fighters (heroes) and no criminals.
    Later the two served their turkish prison terms, got freedom and emigrated to USA.
    And who finally revealed themselves the two - criminals or freedom fighters?
    Mass media of US reported some yrs ago that the son Brazinskas killed his dad as result of their US life.
    Looks like the two always were the guys of not a kind of freedom fighters!
    After death of Nadya, security air anti-terror measures steadily grew up in USSR and particularly fast - in new Russia due to Chechen war and open terror.

    What we have now? If you even have a copy of Russian FCC license, never take your fully legal ham HT in your car, if you travel across several distant regions on a state road.
    Police may easily confiscate any radio from your car without any explanation. Licenses? Al Quaeda has laser printers and may forge any seal, blank and stamp. Police never relies upon them and never trusts you. Your property is confiscated lawlessly? If policemen don' t succeed in immediate stealth, you may have slight chances to get your radio back..after a year of search and tons of written statements. With a little excuse.
    Be ready to live like we do here, Americans! You are doing still much better!
  11. WB1WMB

    WB1WMB Ham Member QRZ Page

    You just didn't get it. Go way back qand read the previous posts....dah!
  12. WB1WMB

    WB1WMB Ham Member QRZ Page

    What's with the Frog?
  13. WB1WMB

    WB1WMB Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's easier just to use your cell phone to call him.
  14. W9WHE

    W9WHE Ham Member QRZ Page

    "That current [president] is in office because too many SHEEP did NOT listen to the facts nor pay close attention to what 'he' said during his speeches"

    Typical liberal, EVERYBODY is stupid, except for people that agree with liberal mantra.

    Bush is president because a MAJORITY of people took a good, look at Kerry and decided that they were better off with Bush. In a time of war/national chrisis, we need a leader, not someone that "voted for the 87 billion before he voted against it".

    People want a strong leader, not an indecisive leader that wants a "more sensitive" war.

    There simply is no "global test" we must pass before we can defend ourselves.

    American troups should NEVER be "under UN control".

    And anybody that "tosses" his own medals away durring a war protest, but still has them on his office wall, is not to be trusted. ESPECIALLY when he refuses to release his own war records, but demands his opponent do so.

    The ONLY reason Kerry got as far as he did, was the liberal media's relentless support, which, according to its own accounts, was worth 7-10 percentage points. Without the media, Kerry would have lost by 12%.

  15. N7YA

    N7YA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have said this before, but nobody cares. we take a lot for granted here, we are divided into a bunch of small groups all screaming at eachother over nothing, not realizing that we are still lucky to have the ability to scream at eachother.

    I agree, we better get ready to live like this gentleman does. good post.

    73...Adam, N7YA
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