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Air Force MARS 76th Special Event

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KB2UNZ, Nov 4, 2024.

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  1. KB2UNZ

    KB2UNZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Air Force Military Auxiliary Radio System (AFMARS) celebrates our service again to United States Military and Civilian government organizations during November 2024. This will be “Air Force MARS 76 Years” Special Event and will include communications on Amateur HF bands (80-6) in the General License portion of the band and in the Technician License portion of 10 meters using SSB, CW and digital modes.

    Those wishing to participate should listen for the above-listed stations (frequencies will vary by geographic region) and respond to the “Air Force MARS Special Event CQ” calls.

    Stations which have made a confirmed contact with one or more Communication Wings will be eligible to receive an electronic certificate. Stations contacting 5 wings will be awarded a “Bronze” endorsement. Contact with 10 wings will be denoted “Silver”. Stations contacting all 10 Wings and the Pentagon, Schriever SFB, Hancock Airfield and Travis AFB stations will receive “Gold” endorsements on their QSL Certificates.

    Certificates may be downloaded from http://cert.elemcoshop after November 30, 2024.
    Event details, including schedules, bands, and modes are posted on the official AFMARS Web Site:
    Event details shortcut:

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    KG4BLR, W1SRR, K7NWF and 21 others like this.
  2. KO4WDE

    KO4WDE Ham Member QRZ Page

    KB2UNZ likes this.
  3. KB2UNZ

    KB2UNZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nice Certificate as well

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    VE7BUI likes this.
  4. KO4TXV

    KO4TXV Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    AWESOME! I am going to do my best to work them all.

    Growing up in the Air Force, I well remember when dad was in Vietnam and MARS was our only contact with him during his two tours. I have a vdry special respect for the folks who manned radios and made those calls to keep families and their service members in contact with each other.
    K3ABZ, KD9YLL, KF5RRF and 6 others like this.
  5. AF5LS

    AF5LS Ham Member QRZ Page

    KB2UNZ likes this.
  6. K3CQR

    K3CQR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for the special event.
    I use to be NCS for AFMARS and I once ran a phone patch for a C-130.....very rewarding!
    WB4MNC, K0UO, KB2UNZ and 1 other person like this.
  7. W2KYM

    W2KYM Ham Member QRZ Page

    I hope that I can reconnect with some of my 2nd Wing fellows! Nice to see this Ed!!

    Jim W2KYM (formerly AFA2YM)
    KB2UNZ and KO4TXV like this.
  8. AE7SX

    AE7SX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    After using Air Force MARS at Utapao Thailand I decided to get into Amateur Radio once I got home. I got licensed in 1974 as WB7AMB and never looked back. I wish I knew the names of those operators to thank them for lighting the fire.
    N3AWS, K0UO and KB2UNZ like this.
  9. KC1UTE

    KC1UTE Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think the Region 1 state list is missing my state of Maine (ME).
    KB2UNZ likes this.
  10. KB2UNZ

    KB2UNZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Noted and is being fixed on mail page.
  11. KB2UNZ

    KB2UNZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    A typo in the States for W1A, MI should have been ME. Please see corrected listing.

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  12. CX5CDV

    CX5CDV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Como Marine de la Armada de mi Pais,jubilado ya,sera un honor y placer intervenir,espero tener buenas condiciones,Gracias y Saludos desde Uruguay
    AF5LS and W0PV like this.
  13. KB7KUH

    KB7KUH Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    I got one for the 75th, I'll have to try it again this time.
  14. K3CQR

    K3CQR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Never Forget.jpg
    1 person likes this.
  15. K3CQR

    K3CQR Ham Member QRZ Page

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