Hi there, I have recently obtained a second callsign ZL3PW but see that it is still assigned to someone who sadly went silent four years ago. I don’t not know that person as I have only recently returned to amateur radio after a very long break, but gather he was well respected in the local community. I would like to know how to respectfully change him to silent key and allocate the call sign to me without announcing it afresh on the silent keys forum. I found this obituary: https://deaths.press.co.nz/nz/obituaries/the-press-nz/name/peter-foster-obituary?id=40296952. Thankyou.
I'm sure that one of the helpers can release the callsign to you. What I would do is put something about Peter in your bio, that it was his callsign previously along with some nice words.
Hello Phillip, nice to meet you, My name is Julio Cesar, I am QRZ moderator and I am going to help you with the registration process to be added in our database. You will be added as soon as possible and you will get other post here with information about how to manage your account . Thank you. Request in progress