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  1. KF1C

    KF1C Ham Member QRZ Page

    I know 6O3T had to abort and get out of there , but does anyone have the story ?
  2. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    • "[CANCELLED] – DX-WORLD knew a few days ago – via 6O3T team leaders – the DXpedition was going to be cancelled, but asked to remain silent until official word was provided. Today, the following info has been released:
    Given the very dangerous circumstances in which the entire team found itself, we decided to wait until we arrived in safe territory to send the information that everyone has been waiting for, and obviously to anticipate the return, in agreement with the institutional contacts we had.

    Obviously the operations were cancelled. The whole team is in good health, although mentally very stressed by the definitely traumatic experience that happened to us, although all precautions had been implemented. When you travel the world, the unexpected is just around the corner !

    The team now is on its way to Europe. As soon as each operator has arrived home, it will be our pleasure/duty to share with the whole ham radio community our terrible experience in a land where no one is in charge, but at the same time everyone has a say. We thank everyone for your messages of support."


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