The 26th annual Ham Radio University educational conference will be held on Saturday, January 4, 2025 on the Long Island campus of LIU Post college. Founded by Phil Lewis, N2MUN (SK), HRU-2025 also will be the annual convention of the ARRL NYC-Long Island Section. The all-day event is expected to draw some 300 hams to the LIU Post Hillwood Commons Student Center, 720 Northern Boulevard, Brookville, NY 11548 The gathering will feature two dozen presentations by experts in a broad range of Amateur Radio activities including: Building an HF station, Practical Antennas, Basics of HF Operating, Contesting, Operating FT8, VHF/UHF Operating, Communicating Through Amateur Radio Satellites, Parks on the Air, Software Defined Radios, and Raspberry Pi for Ham Radio. There will be a VE session in the afternoon, and Special Event Station W2HRU will be on-the-air on-site with guest operators welcome. CW ops should bring their own key or paddle and cable. Ham Radio University is supported by area clubs that will have displays in a Club Room to provide information about their licensing classes, public service events and other activities. As in years past, attendance at HRU 2025 will be free of charge, with an optional suggested donation of ten dollars. There will be free parking and a cafeteria will be open for breakfast and lunch. Further information and the presentations schedule is on line at:
The Ham Radio University educational conference is tomorrow -- January 4th! If you can't attend, check out our web page at: ( and YouTube channel at: (
PowerPoint slide decks of this year's presentations have been posted to the HRU website: