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2022 Cincinnati Hamfest℠ August 13, 2022

Discussion in 'Hamfest and Convention Calendar' started by AC8MA, Jan 1, 2022.

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  1. AC8MA

    AC8MA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The Premier Hamfest of Greater Cincinnati - Saturday, August 13, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    Visit for more information and your chance to win a Yaesu FT-DX10 HF Radio.
    K8PK, AD8DM and K8VSY like this.
  2. W8BEI

    W8BEI XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Really looking forward to this event. Last year was great. Come on summertime.
    K8PK and AD8DM like this.
  3. KE8TDY

    KE8TDY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I only recently received my Technitians License, I can't wait to get to meet and learn from more local Hams!
    K8PK and AD8DM like this.
  4. K8VSY

    K8VSY QRZ Lifetime Member #496 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I'm looking forward to this too. It's in my neck of the woods.
    K8PK and AD8DM like this.
  5. AD8DM

    AD8DM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Looking forward to the Cincinnati Ham Fest this year! The fairgrounds are such a great venue! Lots of free parking and good food, good people, good times!
    K8PK and K8VSY like this.
  6. N1VAU

    N1VAU XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hmm..... how far is it from Izzy's delicatessen?
    K8PK likes this.
  7. AC8MA

    AC8MA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It is about 14 miles from the nearest Izzy's delicatessen. There will be food and drinks onsite should you not make it to an Izzy's.

    For details on the event or lodging visit It should be a great time and I cannot wait.
    K8PK and N1VAU like this.
  8. K8PK

    K8PK XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Cincinnati Hamfest gets better every year - wouldn't miss it!
  9. K8DV

    K8DV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Check out the webpage at and be sure to get yourself some FTdx-10 raffle tickets better odds than the lottery for sure. I plan on being there and setting up in the great boneyard.
    AC8MA likes this.
  10. AC8MA

    AC8MA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    We have negotiated a great rate on hotel lodging very close to the hamfest:

    Don't miss out on your chance to win a Yaesu FTDX10 HF rig! You need not be present to win. Free shipping within the United States.
    K2HAT likes this.
  11. K8DV

    K8DV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Attention, it is just about time for the annual Cincinnati Hamfest, looking forward to going and being part of the boneyard. If you have not done so get your tickets in advance, get you raffle ticket for the Yaesu FTdx-10 that will be given away. Get hamfest with a great location. If you have not done so check out for more info and to get those advance and raffle tickets. Hope to see you there.
    AD8DM and N1VAU like this.
  12. AC8MA

    AC8MA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Attached Files:

    AD8DM likes this.
  13. N8VD

    N8VD Ham Member QRZ Page

    "The largest and premier hamfest of Greater Cincinnati"

    but there's only one hamfest in Cincinnati anyway
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2022
    AD8DM likes this.
  14. AD8DM

    AD8DM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    And it’s the Best!!! Actually, this is probably the second largest Hamfest in Ohio and all of 8 land. You could probably throw in Indiana and Kentucky.
  15. N8VD

    N8VD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Besides Xenia, just off the top of my head I would say Findlay, Berea and Toledo, OH and Monroe, MI are all larger hamfests than this one.

    I've attended over 600 hamfests in the past fifteen years, so I've tried pretty much every hamfest in Ohio, and many in over a dozen other states, so there you go.

    I've been to this hamfest in the past, but this year I'll be going to the W3PIE hamfest at Uniontown, PA instead.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2022

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