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2017 Route 66 On The Air 9/9 to 9/17, 2017

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by W6CJL, Sep 5, 2017.

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  1. WA6MHZ

    WA6MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks Joe for that spot
    PHEW!!! this was a tough year!!!
    But the W6D is in the log and I am ready to mail in for the hard worked for Cert!!!
    I will also get a 2017 Rt 66 Window sticker too!!!

    Thanks SINCERERLY to all the Valiant Operators who put on the event and organizers who made it happen!!!
    I just love this Route 66 event, and hope we can get a Route 80 event going someday!!!
    The Pileups were really FIERCE!!!! but thanks again to the RT66 OPS who did a wonderful job!!!!
    WA4TUX and N5TWB like this.
  2. W6VMX

    W6VMX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Glad you found her, she had to move due to a net just below her. Gonna get me the cert and sticker too, and hoping for another clean sweep this year. Talk to you tomorrow Pat, maybe while you are at the club picnic..........
  3. W6VMX

    W6VMX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Scanning the bands Pat. Looking for W6F and W6I to complete a sweep for me this year. ALSO, looking for you on the air from the club picnic too. Let me know if you set down on any particular frequency. Have fun at the picnic...........
    K9ASE likes this.
  4. K9ASE

    K9ASE XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I don't see any stations on the spotter right now. I saw W6H earlier but that's it.
  5. W6VMX

    W6VMX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Saw R on 20, a few others earlier, also on 20, but pretty sparce right now. Oh well, still looking......
  6. K9ASE

    K9ASE XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    W6Q is on now
  7. W6VMX

    W6VMX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just had a real weak contact with W6I, pretty sure he logged me at 1755, but a bit sketchy. Will have to listen and try for a better contact later. With luck, Kim will confirm for me.........
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2017
  8. W6VMX

    W6VMX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Pat, GOT IT!!!!!!!
  9. WA6MHZ

    WA6MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Form all filled out, in the mail tomorrow morning. will put the decal on the back window
  10. WA4TUX

    WA4TUX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Congrats Pat! Have been busy with "other", (puppy sitting), and confirming just how "busy" Malinois pups really are. ;)
  11. W6VMX

    W6VMX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Mine will be in the mail tomorrow too. Getting a red decal myself :cool:.
  12. W6VMX

    W6VMX Ham Member QRZ Page

    So Pat, how was picnic? Listened for you, but never hear you during picnic. Did you take one of your GO kits? Later.......
  13. WA6MHZ

    WA6MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Picnic was great!! could have used a few more attendees, but otherwise had a great itme. Great food. We debuted my BBQ. Sue walked it up from my garage to the Gazebo at Nancy Jane Park. It cooked the food fast and was a much big improvement over the little Charcoal BBQs of the past.
  14. W6VMX

    W6VMX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wish I could have been there Pat.:( Much as I hate to say it, not to much to do here, if you don't gamble or chase women anyway.:D A few nets, some pretty lame clubs, HUGE amounts of traffic if you go anywhere near the Strip.:mad: Most likely, within the next two years, will be looking to sell here and move to a less hectic and hopefully cooler place.;) With the Raiders coming to Vegas (and I HATE the Raiders almost as much as I LOATH the Chargers), property values will be SKYROCKETING as the new stadium is being built.:rolleyes: That is only about 4 miles from my place. Heck, my property has already gone up by about $30,000 since I bought it.:) Anyway, tell the gang hi for me, keep me up to date as your time permits, and will see you on the air too........
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2017
  15. KG5THG

    KG5THG Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm surprised I ran into all (hopefully) except W6L. That was a fun contest.

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