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Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KU2US, Jun 22, 2021.

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  1. K3UJ

    K3UJ Ham Member QRZ Page

  2. KJ7ZEI

    KJ7ZEI Ham Member QRZ Page

    TM13COL on 20m

    No stations out west yet. All 4's and 8's. I'm listening through the noise. I want this one!

    Not going to walk all over someone else to get it though. I'll wait til I hear his/her signal well.

    Definitely some less than "polite" folks on the air.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2021
    KK9W likes this.
  3. W4FDT

    W4FDT Ham Member QRZ Page

    still waiting on K2C, K2I and K2L for CW.. saw K2C as he was going QRT a few hours ago..
  4. NQ4T

    NQ4T Ham Member QRZ Page

    How about all the guys calling at random times? If they could hear him they would know he's trying to work someone. Instead...they just call over the station. I'm about to lose hope. The lids are making it difficult to properly work the guy due to the fact I can't hear him over them.
  5. KJ7ZEI

    KJ7ZEI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Yes. I edited my previous post because of that. Sheesh. I can't even hear TM13Col and I can tell there are some less than polite folks on the air. Why? Momma woulda cuffed me upside the head for talkin outta turn...
    KJ4BFH likes this.
  6. NQ4T

    NQ4T Ham Member QRZ Page

    I gave up on phone and decided if I had to make one contact via digital....well...good enough. If I see them on phone...I might try....but this makes #16.

    I think I'll buy that mug to celebrate. It was chasing GB13COL my first 13 Colonies 5 years ago that made me get off my butt and get extra...then the last 4 years I've never been home to work it.
    KK9W and KJ7ZEI like this.
  7. KJ7ZEI

    KJ7ZEI Ham Member QRZ Page

    Saw on dxsummit GB was going by the numbers. Unfortunately when he got to 7's it was AZ that had a good signal. I could make out a British accent but the words were unintelligible. I wouldn't have even known if he was QSL'ing me, so I didn't try. Listening for just a few more minutes.

    edit; bummer he's on 9's and I heard actual words...
  8. KC3RAA

    KC3RAA XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I'm listening now too. Hopefully when he gets to the 3's I can get in, but damn there are some rude a-holes in that pile up
  9. KJ7ZEI

    KJ7ZEI Ham Member QRZ Page

    On 3's. Hope I can make out his call when he gets to 7's. Wow some folks need to go away.

    edit; yes we get it "Italy"
  10. W1VKE

    W1VKE XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Down to the last day and I just need K2C (RI) and K2I (NJ) to get all 13 Colonies. I don't think I am doing too bad since I am operating QRP 5 watts and these are all via CW which I just started learning in Jan 2021.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
    WN1MB, K2DFC and KJ7ZEI like this.
  11. K2DFC

    K2DFC Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I got K2C yesterday on CW. Had to work him on 40 SSB and ask him to switch modes. He was nice enough to do it. K2I has been on many bands CW. Just have to watch the DX Cluster and wait.
    W1VKE likes this.
  12. WA9PND

    WA9PND Ham Member QRZ Page

    Got him a bit after 05:00 last night. Completed my sweep on 40m. Also got a sweep on 20m, plus a few of the bonus stations.

    Don't know if any of the operators read here, but I want to thank them all for their hard work and for putting on a very fun event. Looking forward to next year!
    KJ7ZEI likes this.
  13. W4FDT

    W4FDT Ham Member QRZ Page

    anyone know where the states maintain their logs? I need K2C for digital to have everything on cw, ssb, and digital.. i couldve swore i worked them while at camp this weekend but not in my log. Wanted to check their log. I know some use clublog, but K2C isnt using clublog this year.
  14. WN1MB

    WN1MB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wow! All things considered, that's quite the accomplishment and message to those who wail on about how difficult it is to learn Morse. Congratulations!
    W1VKE likes this.
  15. K3UJ

    K3UJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Try LOTW & EQSL
    Some use, others don't.
    W4FDT likes this.

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