I'm going to be honest. Until the last year or so, I never went for the awards. I have been recently. This will be the first 12 days I've gone for.
i'm having a problem with the award, i have more than qualified this year for the award , but under awards the 2024 award doesn't show up , any idesa what the problem may be ? feel free to check my log book
I (not being a QRZ.com staff) can only see your last 15 contacts, and they seem to be all from today. A screenshot like this from logbook->awards will help us "lay people" see if there is a glitch or something: Impressive! It depends on which days you made those contacts. The award is granted if you have confirmed contacts on 12 or more separate days, regardless of how many contacts you had on a given day. Whether there are 1 QSO or 100 QSOs, each "day" counts as an "entity", and you need 12 "entities"; I had 162 contacts two weekends ago, 67 of them confirmed, but those only counted as two "entities".
You should be able to screenshot the award summary page like I did, not the log itself. 1. Go to your QRZ logbook: 2. Go to the Awards page, like you would with any other award: 3. Go to the bottom of the Awards page, and select the 12 days of QRZ (2024): Then you will get the grid I screenshoted above. If you do qualify the award, there will also be a button that says something like "apply for the award", like with other QRZ awards. If that does not work, I guess I will leave it to the QRZ staff to respond.
N3WVB will be calling CQ 12 Days of QRZ 10 - 160 m till the last date of the event FEB 28TH 2025 Looking forward to making many more contacts Confirming all contacts on The Free and Easy To Use QRZ Log Book 7 3 From EN90
I’m just curious about how long after I have made my 12th confirmed contact will the award be granted. This is my first challenge I have ever done as a ham radio operator.