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“Multi-Club Field Day” Special event K3F

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by K3WS, May 8, 2012.

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  1. K3WS

    K3WS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Emergency Communications Are
    Tested During Amateur Radio Field Day


    Media Contact
    John N. Geiser AB3OV
    379 Sam Street
    Johnstown, PA 15902
    Cambria County ARES AEC

    The Cambria Radio Club and the Horseshoe Amateur Radio Club will be testing emergency communications from 2 PM EST June 23rd to 5 PM EST June 24th, 2012.

    Every year, amateur radio operators (also known as “hams”) around the country come together to conduct what is known as “Field Day”. The objective is to test and become more familiar with our radio systems as well as the radio systems of other operators. During this time, we operate our radios, and work to contact operators around the country and the world. We then use this information to know where we are able to contact in the case of an emergency. This also proves the reliability of amateur radio operations.

    For 2012, the newly formed Cambria Radio Club in Johnstown, has joined forces with the Horseshoe Amateur Radio Club in Altoona to create a “Multi-Club Field Day”.

    The CRC and HARC members believe this would be a great opportunity for the community to come see how amateur radio works. Individuals will be able to learn some important skills for emergency situations and have the opportunity to earn their amateur radio license. (FREE VE TEST SESSION*)

    We are also planning other activities besides amateur radio such as crafts for children and other general activities to interest everyone. Under the supervision of a licensed operator, everyone will also have the opportunity to operate the radio equipment.

    Often people do not know what role amateur radio operators play, but with local media’s help, the community can be informed and further prepared for emergency situations. You do not have to be an amateur radio operator to benefit from amateur radio. In a disaster, when power is out, and when storms are ravaging your area, hams will be operating and communicating with emergency services.

    Field Day is a great opportunity for everyone to learn how to utilize amateur radio without actually being licensed or owning any equipment. We hope to see you there. Visit for full detail and special giveaways.


    New Germany Grove Hall
    1635 New Germany Road
    Summerhill, PA 15958

    *Interested individuals must sign up for FREE VE Test Session by clicking this Test Session Link or copy and past this URL into your Internet browser

    Please sign up before June 15, 2012. Remeber you must bring two valid forms of ID. Please email any questions you have on the test session to

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