As part of my training video series. Here is a why and how to we do what we do in ARES Net Control. [MEDIA]
It was a fun activation including at 4,800 mile DX contact, unfortunately I forgot my main camera so you'll have to settle with the back up...
Went out to do a POTA last week from Iowa largest lake, Lake Red Rock. While the Lake itself is not a POTA destination Elk Rock State Park along...
Hey everyone should be able to enjoy Parks On The Air even truckers. I go an activate a park feet from Interstate 80 in Iowa. Check out the video...
Well with the Kilo done what do we do next? More POTA of course hit up a radar run mid December and this is the first of two parks that day....
The major goal I had for this years was getting a Kilo out a K-2319. In this video we get the job done. [MEDIA]
Well we have gotten to the point where I'm a repeat offender. We knew it was gonna happen but now its official. [MEDIA]
Join me in my shack as we hunt some Parks On The Air stations. [MEDIA]
Do you have experience with end fed antennas? Check out my latest video let me know what I'm doing right or wrong. Not mentioned in the video is a...
Thinking about buying an antenna analyzer? Here is my opinions and impression on the Rig Expert Stick. [MEDIA]
Trying to get this Kilo wrapped up is going into the colder months and on this video it was a little chilly out there. [MEDIA]
It was a good day out at the park working on that Kilo but using an NVIS antenna instead of the WRC. [MEDIA]
The Road to a Kilo is a long one in the Parks On The Air World. Here is my next step on the journey. How close will I get? How many contacts ended...
Thinking about getting a portable HF antenna? Watch this before you buy. [MEDIA]
Thinking about getting an AnyTone 578 UVIII Pro? Do you know who you would buy it from? Don't buy until you watch! [MEDIA]
Attempting to activate a new Parks On The Air park to the system, K-9294 Colfax Wildlife Management Area. [MEDIA]